Friday 1 November 2013

Grey / Zeta Reticulan

Small-bodied beings with smooth grey-coloured skin, enlarged head and large black eyes, they are slightly creepy refugees from a dying world.

They appear to have studied humanity for thousands of years for their own inscrutable reasons. They claim they were responsible for ancient monuments of Earth such as the Nazca Lines, the Pyramids of Giza and the Moai statues of Easter Island and giving primitive humans the knowledge of the solar system, concepts of engineering and mathematics, and becoming the basis for their religions and cultures.

Senior castes of Grey frequently display telekinetic powers and an unwillingness to believe that medical experiments are an invasion of privacy.

Special Abilities:
Telepaths: All Greys start with Arcane Background (Psionics) with Mind Reading(Telepathy). Speak Language (Telepathy) and Stun(More Telepathy) and Psionics d6
Engineered for Intellect: Greys begin with a d6 in Smarts and may raise it to a d12+1 during character creation. Through the Expert and Master Edges they may reach a d12+3.
Spindly: Greys are small and spindly. Size -1, Subtract 1 from their Toughness for their reduced stature.
Shortlegged: Greys have a base Pace 5

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